D i a n a  D u r r a n d
contemporary mixed media artist

Art critic Liz Gilbert wrote, "Diana is an amiable artist with an infectious wit who elevates everyday experience and domestic objects to benignly humorous levels."

In my art, I have drawn inspiration from the compassionate spirit expressed in simple things, in unexpected ways. I create from my own life experiences, interpreting and transforming ideas into visual form. Much of my work has been exploring our relationship with other species and our responsibilities as 'keepers'. Where are the pigs, where are they? Gallus Domestics, we are the keepers, Humming for the life of bees for the love of bees, and 100 Sleeping Dandelions are some examples.

My latest work is a series of portraits, starting with the paper dolls, using fabric and acrylic on canvas. The fabric designs are a stepping-off place, allowing me to explore themes and ideas and share some of life's experiences, both big and small.

Since graduating with a honours Bachelor of Fine Art degree from the University of Victoria, I have been working in acrylics, graphite, watercolours, pastels, liquid plastic, clay, and found objects of all sorts.

My work is in the permanent collection at the Canadian Museum of History and the Canada Council Art Bank. I have exhibited in Canada Place Expo 86; Bau-xi Gallery, Vancouver; Open Space, Victoria; Del Bello Gallery, Toronto; Transportal Exhibit, Berlin, Germany; Burnaby Art Gallery; Surrey Art Gallery; Fort Gallery, Fort Langley; Art Gallery of Greater Victoria; Presentation House, Vancouver; Prague Museum of Agriculture, Prague; Science Centre, Ottawa; Michigan State University, Luz Gallery, Victoria; Collective Works, Victoria; Martin Batchelor, Victoria; Gage Gallery, Victoria; Trinity Western University, Langley; Place des Arts, Coquitlam; Robert Bateman Centre, Victoria, Excellent Frameworks Gallery, Duncan, Cowichan Performing Arts Centre and various solo and group shows locally.

To contact me about workshops, studio visits, art sales of originals and archival prints, please call 250-210-0921.


3298 Cook St., Chemainus, B.C., Canada, V0R 1K2